Thursday, November 18, 2010

- Random Word/Image Association -

Random Word/Image Association : 
- An idea generation method creating more opportunities/chances to generate new ideas.
gives out many opportunities but it is us who put it to good use.

Today's Activity :
To create scary images or objects that will instill fear among people throughout the ages.
Random word : CAT
" CAT "
- fur/claws
- eyes
- biting
- ????

1. Fur/Claws(sharp)
Plant sharp fur as grass so that whenever people walk through it will cause pain and they will never wanted to go near.

2. Eyes (evil eyes)
Draw/put eyes on the ground to scare people from coming nearer.

3. Bite (cat bite)
Whenever someone coming towards, the sharp teeth will started to open wide and bite whoever near.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

- Juxtaposition (Activity 2) -

For second activity of Juxtaposition, we were asked to write a poem based on a picture given.

1. Chili : describing Love

Love is like eating chilies.
The more we consume the hotter it be.
Though it hurts we still get going
because the hotter the nicer.
That is how Love supposed to be; Hot.

Love is like chili.
The first bite is the hottest.

2. Burning candle : describing Life

Life is just like a burning candle.
We burn ourselves through the times.
Sometimes we burn ourselves for others.
The flame of us ignites the paths,
And when its time,
We are gone.

3. Credit Cards : describing Life/Love

Love is just like credit cards.
With just a swipe we gets happy,
But remember,
To much swipes leave a scar,
Which can lead to an unhappy ending.

- Juxtaposition (Activity) -

In class, we were given a table of words and were asked to choose 3 pairs of numbers between 00-99.
My picked 92, 86 and 83.

Then, we need to make sentences from the words of those numbers and draw out based on the sentences we wrote.
92 = Leave Rock
86 = Oil Spider
83 = Oil Wind

1. There are a bunch of dry leaves underneath the big rock.

2. I sprayed some massage oil on the hairy spider to chase it away.

3. The small oil tank was trembled due to rough wind just now.

Then, we were asked to combine the image together as one. Below is what I got.

After that, we were given pictures of animal both land and water. Once again, we were asked to draw an animal which is a combination of two animal and make it impossible to survive. Below is what i did. I combined an eagle with a fish. This animal (if ever exist) will face difficulty because fish need water and an eagle spend most of its time flying. So how?

- Juxtaposition -

On today's MLC class :
Juxtaposition : placing two variables, side by side and their contrast/similarity are shown through comparison.

Just like what Mr. Radzi said : The act of juxtaposing is to place two objects or word next to each other. When 2 things put side by side, our brain will try to figure out what is the relationship between these two?
What automatically happens is that there is transference of meaning. Usually from something familiar to something less familiar (what is the relationship? Or the Meaning Or the similarities?).
Thus, CONFLICT between LEFT BRAIN and RIGHT BRAIN  happens.

An example of Analogy
Juxtaposition uses an analogy of : a) Metaphor , b) Similes

Metaphor : - a figure of speech in which 2 different things are linked by some similarity.
Example : Life is a box of chocolate, you will never know what you will get! - Forrest Gump

Similes :a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.
Example : As brave as a lion.

Categories of Analogies
a) Logical Analogies
use similarities in the design, structure or function of to connect back to the subject.
- example : a duck can be compared to a hovercraft because of the fact that both of them can move on the surface of land and water.

b) Affective Analogies
- Emotional similaritiesThe clearest example is the use of an animal to explain a certain characteristic of a person.
- Example : She is like an ant. (Ant = hardworking)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

- Mortar and Pestle -

After mind map, we were given images of mortar and pestle as well as logical and associated mind maps of mortar and pestle. Then, we need to choose 3 words from the mind maps. Use the words to illustrate things, activity etc. that are may be used in the year of 20000010 (future).

I have chosen Pain, Game and Fashion.

Pain : For those who suffer from a pain on the sole of the foot, put your foot in the mortar and use the pestle as a massager.

Game : Just like a game of badminton but the shuttlecock is replaced with a mortar and the pestle is used as a racket.

Fashion : The mortar is placed on the head as a hat. The pestle is attached with a string as an accessory or a necklace.

- Mind Mapping (Activity) -

In class, we were told to do a quick mind map about our friend. Below is the mind map of me made by a friend of mine.

- Mind Mapping -

This week on MLC's class :

MIND MAP :great tool for idea generation and brainstorming.
                                                - enhance both sides of the human brain.
                                                - stimulates and create interest to the individual also to the view. 

Logical Mind Map : - not really good for idea generation.
                                                     - logical only.
                                                     - directly connected to stereotypes.
Logical Mind Map
Associated Mind Map : - able to generate random words.
                                                             - ideas are linked but not related to each other.

Associated Mind Map

Thursday, October 28, 2010

- Defining Creativity -

The generation of new idea or a new way of doing things. 

On today's MLC class, i've learned :
  1. Myths of Creativity
  2. The big 'C' and the small 'c'
  3. Types of Creativity
We've been told to post something about the "Google Guys" (Larry Page & Sergey Brin) and/or the "Microsoft Guy" (Bill Gates) that has something to do with Innovation, Invention, Novelty and Creativity. and i decided to write something about Bill Gates.

So, what does Bill Gates has something to do with Innovation, Invention, Novelty and Creativity? Well, if we observe a little bit more about him, we know that he have all the above criteria in his works and continue improving it.

He created Windows and other programs and he did modified some computer programs. = Invention & Innovation
The products which is Microsoft etc. are very useful and really help people and businesses realize their full potential.  = Novelty
He did many studies and researches in order to improve his products and end up with something new. = Creativity

Thursday, October 21, 2010

- Introduction to Creativity -

Today in class, Mr. Radzi gave us lectures about CREATIVITY. What exactly meant by the word 'creativity'? Well, according to some references, creativity is meant by the use of the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work. 
For me, I would say that creativity is actually about the way of thinking which can lead into something new.

What i've learned today :
- we do need to have the creative thinking but it depends on us to use it in a positive or negative ways. Just like the pirates of the Somalian, They ARE creative but they use it on the negative way, that is why they can't be captured nor defeated until today. They think on how they can do all the bad things without being caught.

conclusion : Creativity IS Painful