Thursday, November 18, 2010

- Random Word/Image Association -

Random Word/Image Association : 
- An idea generation method creating more opportunities/chances to generate new ideas.
gives out many opportunities but it is us who put it to good use.

Today's Activity :
To create scary images or objects that will instill fear among people throughout the ages.
Random word : CAT
" CAT "
- fur/claws
- eyes
- biting
- ????

1. Fur/Claws(sharp)
Plant sharp fur as grass so that whenever people walk through it will cause pain and they will never wanted to go near.

2. Eyes (evil eyes)
Draw/put eyes on the ground to scare people from coming nearer.

3. Bite (cat bite)
Whenever someone coming towards, the sharp teeth will started to open wide and bite whoever near.

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