Thursday, November 11, 2010

- Juxtaposition (Activity 2) -

For second activity of Juxtaposition, we were asked to write a poem based on a picture given.

1. Chili : describing Love

Love is like eating chilies.
The more we consume the hotter it be.
Though it hurts we still get going
because the hotter the nicer.
That is how Love supposed to be; Hot.

Love is like chili.
The first bite is the hottest.

2. Burning candle : describing Life

Life is just like a burning candle.
We burn ourselves through the times.
Sometimes we burn ourselves for others.
The flame of us ignites the paths,
And when its time,
We are gone.

3. Credit Cards : describing Life/Love

Love is just like credit cards.
With just a swipe we gets happy,
But remember,
To much swipes leave a scar,
Which can lead to an unhappy ending.

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