Thursday, October 28, 2010

- Defining Creativity -

The generation of new idea or a new way of doing things. 

On today's MLC class, i've learned :
  1. Myths of Creativity
  2. The big 'C' and the small 'c'
  3. Types of Creativity
We've been told to post something about the "Google Guys" (Larry Page & Sergey Brin) and/or the "Microsoft Guy" (Bill Gates) that has something to do with Innovation, Invention, Novelty and Creativity. and i decided to write something about Bill Gates.

So, what does Bill Gates has something to do with Innovation, Invention, Novelty and Creativity? Well, if we observe a little bit more about him, we know that he have all the above criteria in his works and continue improving it.

He created Windows and other programs and he did modified some computer programs. = Invention & Innovation
The products which is Microsoft etc. are very useful and really help people and businesses realize their full potential.  = Novelty
He did many studies and researches in order to improve his products and end up with something new. = Creativity

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